Wednesday 21 August 2019

Introduction Post - Future Temperance Brennan


So this is it, my last semester as an undergrad at OU. Wow. I honestly cannot believe I made it this far, yet here I am. Let's see, I arrived on campus in 2015 scared out of my mind to start this new chapter of my life. The very first day I stepped foot on campus was December 21st, 2015 for a full tour of the campus. I had injured myself in the previous week at my senior high school dance and was on crutches. I remember getting out of the car and just losing my breath at the beauty of the campus. I had toured a few other places before I made it to OU and was not impressed by their attempts to reel me into their four year programs, but something about OU was different, it felt like home. So as soon as I got home from the tour I applied, got accepted, and moved in August 2015 to Couch tower with my best friend from high school.

Studia Sklieletu 
Source: Google Images

I am a Forensic Anthropology major (focusing on forensic linguistics, specifically at the moment) with A minor in Asian Studies. I think one of the most interesting things about my major is that I am constantly revamping my study topics because of the possible sub-fields to do research on (Biological, Socio-Cultural, Linguistic, Archaeology). I think one of the most interesting classes that I took last semester was actually a graduate class where I was able to focus on my research dealing with forensic linguistics. Simply defined, forensic linguistics is applying forensic science techniques to the linguistic context. Specifically I focused research on how criminals utilize language to communicate with accomplices and the community around them, how urban legends and the language used in those stories affect the culture and overall perspectives of the community as a whole. My paper and presentation for this seminar class used Charles Manson and The Family, Slenderman, and the concept of horror movies/stories as examples.

Let me most individuals I am a multi-faceted human being. I work very hard for what I have in life and for what I want. My favorite colors are black and purple. I prefer rock, alternative, classic rock music as opposed to the everyday monotonous pop music that is constantly blasting through the radios. Some of the pop songs are good, but I personally can only listen to pop so long before they all start sounding like the same song. I am shy at first when meeting new people, but once I warm up I am pretty outgoing and funny. I am an artist, as well. I love to sketch and paint. It is a good outlet for me to express my feelings and handle my stress. I currently work two jobs, one full time, one part time on top of attending school.

I didn't really go anywhere during the summer except down to Texas to visit my boyfriend where we went to my first ever water park. So that was really exciting. I am what one would consider very pale, so I had to slather myself in sunscreen before even stepping foot outside in the Texas heat though. The water park itself was really fun and it kind of made me wonder why my parents never took me and my siblings to one as kids, but oh well. Check it off my bucket list now! :)

Hmmm..Okay so, after I graduate in December, my current plan of action is to find a job in Texas and move. I've been in Oklahoma for far too long and I need some new scenery. It is terrifying however to even try and think of what I am going to do. I would prefer to work for about a year in my field, establishing residency, and then go on to graduate school to get at least my Master's degree. I feel as though I just need a break after these crazy four years at OU.

So, yes. This is a brief description/introduction of who I am. I like to think of myself as outgoing, understanding, hard working, and easy to get along with. So if you have any questions or would like to be friends just let me know! :)


  1. Hey there!

    Congratulations on being able to graduate this semester! I can't believe you work two jobs - one part time and one full time! I can only work part time while going to school. If I listen to pop music for long periods of time, I become bored as well. It begins to sound similar. I hope you are able to get a job in Texas; you deserve it. Wishing you the best!

  2. Hi Zoe,

    I'm in the same boat with graduating this semester and trying to find a job back in Texas! I think it would be a well-deserved break from school, if you decided to take the route of working in your field first. I also think it's very fascinating that you're able to come up with new areas of study in your major! My major is pretty set in stone as far as the material you can study, the only wiggle room is with the electives. Looking forward to seeing what kind of work you'll be producing this semester!

  3. Hey Zoe,
    I bet you are super happy that you are almost done with school hahah. Working two jobs while tackling school is definitely difficult. I work as a video manager for OU football and at the Jimmie Austin Golf course so I know how tiring life can be right now. I actually started school in 2012 but took time off to work full time. I can tell you firsthand that I wish I had stayed din college but working full time was definitely enjoyable. I feel that if you find a job you really enjoy then it is not really work at all. I hope all goes well in your job search and you are able to find a great jobs and your transition to Texas is smooth.

  4. Hey Zoe,
    I loved your description of OU and how it made you feel so comfortable when you arrived. I read that you spent time in Texas this summer visiting your boyfriend. I am from Texas but unfortunately did not get to spend time their this summer. I think your major is super interesting especially because I have never met someone studying that exact thing. I hope you have a great rest of the semester.

  5. Hi Zoe!

    I feel you with your taste in music. It just feels like so much of the music that comes out today is uninspired and pandering. I don't like how formulaic music has become, but it goes without saying that there are still so many great musicians doing really creative and interesting things.

    And I hear ya on needing to get out of Oklahoma. I have spent my whole life here and cannot wait for a change of scenery.

  6. I still remember my first day on campus too, Zoe! I had never even been to Oklahoma when I came to OU for the job interview, and I was amazed by the campus, especially the sculptures; I fell in love with the shepherd girl: Homeward Bound by Allan Houser (he was an Apache sculptor). And you are taking advantage of one of OU's strong suits: that forensic anthropology program is so cool! Folklore often falls under anthropology, and I hope you will find a lot of productive back-and-forth between the readings in this class and what you've learned in your major!

  7. Hi Zoe!
    I really appreciated how you described your first time stepping foot on OU's campus! It really is beautiful and I know that I sometimes take the beauty here for granted! I think it's awesome that you're majoring in forensic anthropology. That seems so interesting and it seems like you could never be bored. Best of luck with your final semester!!!! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Hi Zoe, nice to meet you!
    Congratulations on your impending graduation! As a great fan of studying languages, I was really interested on your mention of your studying forensic linguistics -- that sounds like such an intriguing research topic! Also, I share your love of creating art -- what type of sketching/painting do you enjoy? I'd love to see photos of your work! Good luck on your future plans! :)

  9. Hi Zoe!

    I graduate in December too. I'm graduating early (still not really sure how lol) but I feel the exact same way about Oklahoma too - I'm ready to get out of here! I'm from the Dallas as well and it really just doesn't compare. I also lived in Couch my freshman year! My favorite part was that little cafe place in the bottom with the really good breakfast sandwiches. Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading your stories and wish you the best of luck for this semester and on!

  10. Hello, Zoe—it’s nice to meet you! It’s good to know that you like to sketch and paint, so do I! Otherwise I wouldn’t be majoring in art at OU. It’s a lot of fun, and I hope to put my skills to good use after graduating from college. It sounds like you’re driven to achieve what you want out of life. Also, Texas is a nice place to be—I personally recommend Dallas or Austin. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to reading your stories this semester!

  11. Hello!

    Working two jobs, one full time, while in college sounds rough! I hope it hasn't been too stressful, but congrats on everything you've achieved so far! Good luck with applying to grad school! I'm currently applying as well but I'm actually hoping to stay in Oklahoma and go to OUHSC. Texas is too big for me lol. Hope you have a great semester!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello,
    This is also my last semester at OU! I totally agree with you about the campus. When I got to OU I was blown away by the effort they made to draw people in. It is truly stunning. I also prefer rock alternative music! What are some of your favorite bands? Also how did you come by that major? I also agree about being in Oklahoma for a while creates a need to get away and see new things. It just doesn’t have that much to offer for scenery or things to do. I too would like to move to Texas once I graduate. It seems like a great place to be!

  14. Hi,

    Your major seems so interesting! It is like straight from the Tv show kid of things! I hope you the very best when you graduate this month! How exciting and scary that must be! I would agree with you that OU has one of the prettiest campus! I am sure we won an award for that haha! I hope you have a wonderful time in this class.

  15. Hi Zoe! Congrats on being a senior and being ready to graduate! I also agree that the time is going by fast as I cannot believe that I am a junior already! Your major sounds super cool, especially how you apply it to a real life situation. I would love to hear more about it. Good luck to you this year!
