Thursday 12 September 2019

Week 4 Story: The Automaton

*NOTICE: Author's Note*: So this is definitely a twist on
 Ovid's Metamorphosis. (

I tried to switch roles up in the story but still keep the jest of what the original story consisted of. It is definitely rough but here is my take on Metamorphosis. The main character is female now instead of male and it is not an ivory statue that was created here but an automaton. I wanted to go with something a little more technological and progressive. Instead of the gods granting wishes here, the character Veronica uses her connection with spirits to transfer the man. Also, this is a story that I wanted to work on for the past couple weeks but I had some medical stuff I had to deal with, so now I'm making up for it! I hope you enjoy!

Steampunk Time Travel (Google Images)

The London smog filled the air around the city, making the visibility even less-so than during the daytime. The full moon rose high above the city, attempting to illuminate the world below,  yet struggling due to the dense, black smoke that engulfed the city. The industrial revolution was something that propelled the world into the future, but at what cost? The year was 1835 and London was rapidly becoming one of the more developed countries thanks to the new technology.

Zoelle, a fair girl, attractive, wandered the dark alley ways of the city. Not sure what to do or where to go she just kept walking. As with most women she longed to have someone to call her own, to feel protected, loved. However, Zoelle was different from the other women in the city. She preferred the dark over the light. Her wardrobe reflected that as well, casting her to the outside of social groups. She did not mind though, she was very intelligent and knew her worth, however it got painfully lonely sometimes.

 The night of October 13, 1835 marked a new beginning for Zoelle though. Walking through the dark alley way dressed in her darkest of victorian frocks she slowly passed the many pubs and restaurants that lined the alley. Tobacco smoke wafted out through the smallest of openings making the alley that more eerie. The only sound that could be heard came from the gothic style boots that she wore as they clicked against the rough and wet cobble stone. "Click, Click, Clack." Zoelle was returning from a lecture on art at the local academy, filled to the brim with creativity and ideas. 

Suddenly a man appeared behind Zoelle. Startled she turned to look at his face. He was extremely handsome. His blond, curly hair draped slightly to the right, just over his green eyes, his tasteful facial hair accentuated his strong bone structure. However, he was extremely intoxicated from his time at the local pub. Frightened of what may happen to him if she were to leave him stranded in the alley she helped guide him to her small apartment. Exhausted but safe, Zoelle placed the man down on her chaise lounge where he passed out for the night. Taking her place near the hearth Zoelle started to stare at his beauty when she suddenly got an idea to cure her loneliness. Inspired by the energy of the industrial revolution Zoelle got to work immediately on her invention. 

The next morning Zoelle went to check on the man.

He was violently ill, dying. His pale face gazed up at her and his green eyes struggled to show any sign of hope. Worried and scared that she would not be able to save him, Zoelle contacted a local doctor. The doctor came to the apartment and attempted to help the man, but it was no use. He was on his deathbed.

Refusing to give up Zoelle went with a more taboo option. She reached out to her downstairs neighbor, Veronica, who was a Medium. She worked with the spirit world. After hours of medicinal rituals and various attempts to heal him there was only one option left. Veronica could not save his physical body, but she could save his soul, his essence, his overall spirit, but she would have to find another host that could hold and contain it.

Trying desperately to think of something or someone to place this man's spirit in, Zoelle got an idea. She ran over to her work station and pulled out the invention she had been working on the night before. She rolled the invention over to Veronica and uncovered it. There stood an automaton, life size, ready to operate. The gears glistened and the mechanical face gazed back at them. Her invention now had an even better purpose, it was going to save this man. With the help of Veronica the man's spirit was transferred over into the automaton.

Anxiously they both waited for something to happen. Anything. After a few hours they were both convinced that it hadn't worked and that the man had passed away for good, but then all of a sudden the gears in the automaton started to turn, and he came to life.

Together Zoelle and the man in the automaton worked on inventions and creating a better world to live in. 


  1. Hi there!
    This was amazing! Your retelling was full of detail and twists and turns! Although your version had different elements, the story remained close to the original story! It was easy to read and follow. The tone of story was quite mysterious as well. Your writing helped with shifting the tone. I can't wait to read more from you.

  2. Hello,
    Your introduction was incredibly vivid! The attention to detail made me feel like I was immersed in the story. I like the time period you picked for the story, not many stories take place in this era. I wanted to know more about the mysterious man. The ending of the story is such a cliff hanger it left me wanting more. I wondered how Zoelle came to decision to take care of a complete stranger. As well as things like what he did, why he was so drunk, and why was he dying. What if you included some details like items the man was carrying, a journal, or family photos? Maybe after Zoelle took him home they fell out of his pocket and gave her, and us, the opportunity to know more. I feel like that would add to his mysteriousness and really grab the readers attention in an attempt to try and piece together this man's mysterious puzzle.

    Great story though!

  3. Hi Zoe, great story!
    Your descriptions were really clear and well-worded, and you do a good job of effectively placing us in the era you've chosen. I haven't read the original story, so parts of this seemed to kind of come out of nowhere for me, but if it's something you're worried about, giving a little more info in your author's note would be an easy fix! Also -- you've got me imagining spending eternity as an automaton in a metal body. Yikes!
