Wednesday 25 September 2019

Week 6 Reading Notes: Part B: Sinbad: Fifth Voyage

So for these Week 6 reading notes I chose to focus on a hero story and came across Sinbad. Here are the notes I pulled from the reading. I hope these will inspire me for a good solid story this week.

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).

So Sinbad, as one can imagine is not used to a quiet life in this specific part of his story. In this part he sets sail to an unknown island and Sinbad and his crew found a "roc's egg


The merchants who were travelling forced the egg open killing the birds and setting them on fire.

Ope, the parent birds showed up and were not happy about this situation, the sky darkened.

Sinbad and the others ran back to the ship and tried to escape the parent birds. Giant rocks were being thrown at them and one finally hit the ship right in the middle and destroyed the boat flinging the crew overboard.

This overall was a very interesting story. I hope to be able to build off of it.

Arabian Nights (Google Images)

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